A Little Bit About me

Im crazy

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Introduction to Teenage Intoxication

Lets define binge drinking as whole... Binge drinking is drinking alcohol with the intention of becoming intoxicated. even though adults are doing this, teenagers of our generation do not need to follow in their footsteps. In other words, should we allow teenagers to keep doing so, or make a stand against this.

Teenagers are abusing alcohol to the point where they just can't handle it anymore.The amount of alcohol they are consuming, is getting to the point where they either throw up or they just can't remember anything. The definition of binge drinking is drinking alcohol with the intention of becoming intoxicated/drunk. Even though adults are doing this, teenagers to not need to follow in their foots steps. In other words, should we allow teenagers to keep doing so, or make a stand against, "binge drinking".

Throughout this blog, it will describe many things to do with binge drinking. The main points that will be discussed will be the effects of binge drinking on a teenager, why teenagers are drinking, drink driving and many other controversial questions that arise from binge drinking.

While drinking for any age group is harmful, it is particularly dangerous for teenagers. This is because it has been found that alcohol can permanently affect a teen’s developing brain. The immature organs of the teens get affected by alcohol and thus even a minimum consumption of alcohol is like a poison for them. It damages their organs and in the long turn resulting in an early death. More information on the way binge drinking can affect you organs. can be found by clicking this link.

Let’s define how alcohol can affect the developing organs of a teen’s body. Irregular heartbeats, liver damage, shallow breathing, and even choking are some of the common side-effects of alcohol drinking in teens. This is because alcohol directly affects the nervous system of the body.