A Little Bit About me

Im crazy

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Should the legal drinking age be raised?

There are many questions asked when related to alcohol and the people involved. Yet it be questions like who should be allowed to buy alcohol?, what does alcohol do to that of an adolescent?.. but in society today many questions are mainly related to those of age limits or the responsibility of those who consume this product.

I was skimming the Internet and found this article on the New Zealand Herald website.
Click Here To Read Article

this article found discusses the controversial question Should the legal drinking age be raised?

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot in your blog. I am just wondering how to bring the diverse parts together in an entry were you offer your conclusions and maybe a clear recommendation or two?

    Do you know how to fiddle with the dates to get the entries in the order you really want?

    some solid work.Just check your spelling in places though it is good overall as is the grammar
