A Little Bit About me

Im crazy

Monday, May 17, 2010

Why Are Teens Drinking?!


For the obvious reason its to be cool or to show your superiority to your peers... but is this reason worth your life? Or danger and risk to others? The reasons for drinking differ to that of adults but amongst teenagers, drinking is all the same. Teenagers are more likely to start experimenting with drinking if they have a parent or adult around them who drinks also, or if their friends around them are also peer pressuring them to consume this product. Drinking and drugs are basically the same, addictive and both influence and change the way you think and feel. Sensations occur at low blood levels this is why adults and teenagers continue to consume alcohol on a daily basis.

Alcohol is classified as a central nervous system depressant. So if you're feeling at a negative state, the intake of alcohol reduces some of this stress or feeling and helps you, "chill out". There are way more reasons to why teenagers are binge drinking but the issues i have pointed out are the main influential ones.

 Hester. R. (n.d.). Why do teenagers drink alcohol? Retrieved May 10, 2010. From http://www.selfhelpmagazine.com/article/teen-alcoholism.

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